Monica de Carvalho
Google - Industry Director
Mônica de Carvalho has been a Business Director at Google Brazil for the last two years, where she is responsible for the Integrated Sector in the Finance, Travel, Telecom and Automotive Pods, providing business and brand building solutions to clients. Prior to this job, Monica worked as Business Vice-President at DM9DDB, part of the Omnicom Group, where she worked for nearly 13 years. With 26 years of experience, Monica has always stood out in innovative business solutions offered to clients, taking them to the next level.
She has a bachelor’s in advertising and a masters in strategic negotiation, capital markets, financial analysis, strategic vision and sustainability. Monica believes in a strong team and therefore also specialized in people management, talent attraction and retention, human capital development and career succession.
Monica loves to defend causes and debate diversity. That’s why she’s the sponsor of Gayglers Brazil and the Brazilian Women’s Group.
Monica is married and has two kids. Her hobby is cooking for friends.